Free lunch, etc.

I read this somewhere a while back: ‘A group of Sikhs stopped our bus in the middle of the highway to offer everyone chilled roohafza. Unparalleled hospitality, only in Punjab.’
Very nice and all that, but if I had been travelling on a bus and someone waylaid the bus to offer me roohafza, I would be paranoid to no small extent. I would suspect they were dacoits and had laced the drink with sleeping pills to rob us. Perhaps I am overly cynical by nature, but I find it strange to think someone I don’t know would be generous without meaning any harm to me or wanting something in return. Wonder if it is just me or skepticism that I share with my generation.

1 thought on “Free lunch, etc.

  1. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts? That was said of the greeks…not the Punjabis…Anyway, i share your healthy scepticism too….unlike what the romantic media presents- the real dwellers of the punjab plains – the Jat sikhs have always had a rep for raids/robbery- as seen by any standard history book. And voluntary/involuntary hospitality should always be viewed with the proper discretion it deserves instead of throught rose-tinted glasses…so i guess you are not alone….Caveat Emptor applies here too.
    Ganesh Puttu
    I blog here:

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