Day 5 to 15 – Swimming

So, I finally learnt how to swim. I don’t sink like a ship that has hit an iceberg any more when thrown into a pool; nor do I flail around screaming like I’m dying. Now that I have learnt how to swim, I can only wonder how it did not occur to me to learn earlier. Love the water. Learnt the butterfly stroke. Can float on my back forever, but not very confident of my backstroke as yet. When I am floating on my back, I am simply unable to just turn around and start swimming. That’s something I need to work on.

Really enjoyed my vacation at Goa, thanks to my newly acquired skill set. Kept plate of mashed potatoes at one end of the pool. Swam to and fro, ate mashed potatoes, played ‘let’s see how long we can hold our breath’ games with friends, lounged on the beach and generally had a blast. Yay to learning how to swim! One more item off the bucket list.





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