Day 4 – Swimming

It felt like I’d forgotten how to stay afloat in the last one week. Fell like a sack of potatoes to the floor. It’s always the nerves, isn’t it. In a bit though, with the help of the float board, was paddling around again.

Coach gave us the noodle floats and the old gentleman with a zen smile coaxed me to abandon my float board and paddle around with the noodle float tucked under my arms. It was not so bad actually, except that when I ran out of breath and tried to stand up, my hands went all awry and I keeled. Zen gentleman made me do it thrice till I learnt how to stand up straight when I stopped, instead of flailing around in panic.

My only problem remains that no matter how much I kick, splash and move my ankles around, I just don’t move. Coach said I should do the leg movements for this class, till I get it right. Shallow kicks. Loose ankle. Don’t bend knees. And yet, I don’t move.

It’s really disappointing to surface and see that you’ve hardly moved a few inches from the wall, when in your head you were imagining you must have covered one-thirds of the pool. It shall take time I guess. Patience is there.

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